• The Extra Ordinary!

    Sitges…Spain. My last day in this great beach town and the skies once again don’t disappoint in the perfect shade of clear azure blue. I have totally gotten into my groove of lazy days seaside just in time for it to end!

    Strolling to the beach this morning, I was struck by the everyday beauty I was amongst and in a way I was totally taking it all for granted. I stopped and slowed down and decided to REALLY LOOK!

    As a tourist, we become fixated on the big sights, the bucket list moments, and the postcard perfect pictures to bring home. But wait, I am forgetting the beauty of the ordinary…the unique yet mundane elements that make up every locale…inspiration many times comes from obscure places and things. Suddenly, you can look at something you have seen a thousand times and it strikes you as totally new, seeing something you never did before. As a fashion designer, I am constantly making the everyday into the fabulous; re-looking at vintage finds, re-discovering classic movies, and re-imagining iconic eras in a new and modern way!

    I was struck by the beauty of Spanish tiles…on floors, walls, and doorways…these beautiful works of art that are so prevalent throughout Spain! Graphic & artisan geometrics in sun-washed colors look utterly chic! I can see re-adapting these into an accent ottoman, a throw pillow, a chiffon blouse, or cool printed short. Let your imagination run wild!

    Muchas Gracias to Spain for the sights, tastes, and inspiration!




